Music Kit | Perfect World, Ay Hey
Merging traditional Chinese folk and electronic music, "Ay Hey" offers vivid storytelling and energetic beats to connect players of different ages and backgrounds. With its lively rhythm matching players' enthusiasm for the game, "Ay Hey" vividly captures various humorous and playful battle scenes.
0.00%Merging traditional Chinese folk and electronic music, "Ay Hey" offers vivid storytelling and energetic beats to connect players of different ages and backgrounds. With its lively rhythm matching players' enthusiasm for the game, "Ay Hey" vividly captures various humorous and playful battle scenes.
Music Kit | Perfect World, Ay Hey 作为 6 个可用的 皮肤之一脱颖而出。凭借其 高级 稀有度状态,获得 是一项挑战,因为它只有 的掉落几率。