Souvenir M4A1-S | Knight (Minimal Wear)
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Souvenir Disponible

Souvenir M4A1-S | Knight (Minimal Wear)

With a smaller magazine than its unmuffled counterpart, the silenced M4A1 provides quieter shots with less recoil and better accuracy. It has brass inlays with a renaissance armor theme. What do you mean you can't find Cocinero and Izaki? - Felix Riley, Commanding Officer
Souvenir M4A1-S | Knight (Minimal Wear)

Calificación de la comunidad: 4.1★

4482 Votos

Desde el último mes

+ 792.35

Calificación de la comunidad: 4.1★

4482 Votos
With a smaller magazine than its unmuffled counterpart, the silenced M4A1 provides quieter shots with less recoil and better accuracy. It has brass inlays with a renaissance armor theme. What do you mean you can't find Cocinero and Izaki? - Felix Riley, Commanding Officer

De fábrica SV


Desgaste mínimo SV


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1.2K Voto(s)

Ofertas activas


Precio actualizado

hace 20 días



4.3K Voto(s)

Ofertas activas


Precio actualizado

hace 3 días



2.8K Voto(s)

Ofertas activas


Precio actualizado

hace 11 horas



644 Voto(s)

Ofertas activas


Precio actualizado

hace 6 horas



55 Voto(s)

Ofertas activas


Precio actualizado

hace 9 horas

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Probabilidad de caer

El Souvenir M4A1-S | Knight (Minimal Wear) se destaca como uno de los 6 skins disponibles. Con su estado de rareza Classified, conseguir el Knight es un desafío, ya que tiene solo una 0.26% probabilidad de caer.

Calificación Comunitaria

Souvenir M4A1-S | Knight (Minimal Wear) ha captado una atención significativa con más de 4482 votos en TRUSTPILOT.COM, logrando una impresionante calificación promedio de 4.1.

¿Dónde comprar Souvenir M4A1-S | Knight (Minimal Wear)?

Souvenir M4A1-S | Knight (Minimal Wear) está disponible para compra en 2 mercados diferentes, asegurando una amplia selección para los compradores. Los proveedores clave incluyen CSGOTM, SKINPORT. Esta variedad ofrece flexibilidad y elección, satisfaciendo preferencias y necesidades diversas.


The Souvenir M4A1-S | Knight is a prestigious skin known for its elegant design. The skin is primarily painted black and features a silver, medieval-themed design. It is a part of the Cobblestone Collection and was introduced in 2015.


This weapon skin is classified as 'Covert', which means it is extremely rare and has a very low drop chance. This enhances its appeal among players due to its prestige and exclusivity.


This skin was introduced as part of the 2015 ESL One Cologne tournament, one of the biggest and most memorable events in CS:GO. More about the collection can be found at Cobblestone Collection.


The Souvenir M4A1-S | Knight enjoys popularity among CS:GO players for its classy aesthetic and rarity. It is often held up as a 'trophy skin' and is highly sought after.


This skin is available exclusively for the M4A1-S rifle.

Unique Features

The skin is best known for its medieval design featuring a knight on horseback. The entire weapon has an elegant metallic finish.


The skin was released as part of the 2015 ESL One Cologne, one of the biggest eSports events of the year. More about the event can be found at ESL One Cologne.


The skin was designed by Valve's in-house team, rather than a community contributor.

Skin Designer

Designed by Valve.

Technical Features

The detailed metallic design and dark color palette give the skin a uniquely sleek and luxurious look.

Reviews and Ratings

The Souvenir M4A1-S | Knight receives high praise for its high quality design and rarity and is considered one of the top skins for this weapon.

Historical Significance

This skin represents an iconic part of the 2015 ESL One Cologne, which had a substantial impact on the game and the CS:GO skin market.

Reasons for Popularity

Its popularity comes from its rarity, the backstory of its origin, and the elegance of its design. It serves as a symbol of status to many dedicated players.

Influential Events

The 2015 ESL One Cologne was a significant event that greatly influenced the popularity of the Souvenir M4A1-S | Knight. More about the event can be found at ESL One Cologne.

Creation Story

The skin, honoring the medieval theme of the Cobblestone map, was created with a design and level of detail that firmly established it as a coveted collector's item.

Symbolism and Design Elements

The prominent knight design is representative of the Cobblestone map's setting, linking the weapon skin to its namesake collection.

Emotional Connection

Many players feel a strong attachment to the Souvenir M4A1-S | Knight due to its connection with one of the biggest eSports events and its status as a rarity in the game.

Impact on Community

The skin has become a symbol of status and luxury within the CS:GO community, often topic of discussion due to its rarity and high value.

Usage in Esports

The Souvenir M4A1-S | Knight is frequently seen in professional play, often used by players who were participants or viewers of the 2015 ESL One Cologne.

Player Stories

Stories of players unboxing the Souvenir M4A1-S | Knight are quite popular within the community, with some of the luckiest being able to get their hands on this coveted skin during the 2015 ESL One Cologne.