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Aspect rouillé









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"Take a trip to the Canals"

★ StatTrak™ Huntsman Knife | Rust Coat (Well-Worn)
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StatTrak Disponible

StatTrak™ Couteau de chasse (★) | Aspect rouillé (Usée)

Un couteau conçu à des fins de tactiques modernes, la lame convient tout aussi bien pour le combat que pour des besoins utilitaires. L'extrémité Tantō permet une pénétration maximale même à travers la plus dure des surfaces. Ce souvenir de Siege est en parfait état de marche, bien qu'il a l'air rouillé. Les cicatrices forgent le caractère
★ StatTrak™ Huntsman Knife | Rust Coat (Well-Worn)

Évaluation de la communauté: 4.4★

1930 Votes

Évaluation de la communauté: 4.4★

1930 Votes
Un couteau conçu à des fins de tactiques modernes, la lame convient tout aussi bien pour le combat que pour des besoins utilitaires. L'extrémité Tantō permet une pénétration maximale même à travers la plus dure des surfaces. Ce souvenir de Siege est en parfait état de marche, bien qu'il a l'air rouillé. Les cicatrices forgent le caractère

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29.2K Vote(s)

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Prix mis à jour

il y a 24 jours



56 Vote(s)

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il y a 20 heures



4.4K Vote(s)

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Prix mis à jour

il y a 24 jours



Aspect rouillé









Mettre à jour

"Take a trip to the Canals"

Familles de skins

Ursus (★) | Aspect rouillé (Usée)
★ Ursus Knife | Rust Coat (Well-Worn)
À partir de120.17
MAG-7 | Aspect rouillé (Neuve)
MAG-7 | Rust Coat (Factory New)
À partir de0.05
Couteau à éviscérer (★) | Aspect rouillé (Usée)
★ Gut Knife | Rust Coat (Well-Worn)
À partir de89.99
Baïonnette M9 (★) | Aspect rouillé (Usée)
★ M9 Bayonet | Rust Coat (Well-Worn)
À partir de482.00
Navaja (★) | Aspect rouillé (Usée)
★ Navaja Knife | Rust Coat (Well-Worn)
À partir de89.99
Couteau fauchon (★) | Aspect rouillé (Usée)
★ Falchion Knife | Rust Coat (Well-Worn)
À partir de99.99

Skins similaires

Couteau de chasse (★) | Tradition (Neuve)
★ Huntsman Knife | Lore (Factory New)
À partir de267.73
Couteau de chasse (★) | Acier bleui (Neuve)
★ Huntsman Knife | Blue Steel (Factory New)
À partir de272.93
Couteau de chasse (★) | Toile pourpre (Neuve)
★ Huntsman Knife | Crimson Web (Factory New)
À partir de833.06
Couteau de chasse (★) | Maillage safari (Neuve)
★ Huntsman Knife | Safari Mesh (Factory New)
À partir de157.13
Couteau de chasse (★) | Noir stratifié (Neuve)
★ Huntsman Knife | Black Laminate (Factory New)
À partir de182.86
Couteau de chasse (★) | Eau vive (Neuve)
★ Huntsman Knife | Bright Water (Factory New)
À partir de129.76
Montrer tout



StatTrak™ Couteau de chasse (★) | Aspect rouillé (Usée), classé sous Knives et principalement disponible en Well-Worn, présente une gamme de valeurs flottantes de 0.4 à 1. Cette plage limite sa disponibilité à des conditions comme Well-Worn. StatTrak™ Couteau de chasse (★) | Aspect rouillé (Usée) est notable pour avoir un motif Aspect rouillé et a été développé par Valve. Actuellement, son prix approximatif est de 124.34 sur des marchés comme , et il reste unpopular parmi les collectionneurs.

Chance de tomber

Le StatTrak™ Couteau de chasse (★) | Aspect rouillé (Usée) se distingue comme l'un des 6 skins disponibles. Avec son statut de rareté Secrète, obtenir le Aspect rouillé est un défi, car il ne présente qu'une chance de de tomber.

Évaluation communautaire

StatTrak™ Couteau de chasse (★) | Aspect rouillé (Usée) a attiré une attention significative avec plus de 1930 votes sur TRUSTPILOT.COM, atteignant une impressionnante note moyenne de 4.4.


The ★ StatTrak™ Huntsman Knife | Rust Coat is a gnarled masterpiece that fits perfectly in every player's arsenal. Boasting a rusty brown color scheme with a distressed and worn look, this knife skin, released in 2015, comes from the Huntsman Knife Collection.


Regarded as 'Covert', the Rust Coat knife is an extremely rare skin but with a low drop chance. The rustic design and scarcity of this skin make it highly coveted.


The Huntsman Knife was introduced into CS: GO with the Arms Deal update in August 2013. The Rust Coat skin, however, was added later in 2015.


This Rust Coat skin isn't just a favorite among the casual player base, but it's also seen occasionally in the competitive circuit.


As a melee weapon skin, the Rust Coat is compatible with the Huntsman Knife only.

Unique Features

The key feature of this knife is its rusty, worn-out aesthetics, which give it a unique antique look that is cherished by players.


This unique skin came into the game during a regular weapon case update rather than being a part of a specific event or operation.


Despite its degraded and rusty appearance, the Huntsman Knife | Rust Coat is one of the most sought-after skins in the game, with players appreciating its aged outlook.

Skin Designer

Designed by Valve.

Technical Features

This skin is known for its rustic design elements with a distressed and aged appearance, created using advanced texturing techniques.

Reviews and Ratings

Players highly recommend the Rust Coat for its unique aged design and it's often featured in top-rated knife skin lists within the community.

Historical Significance

The introduction of the Rust Coat was an unusual step towards the antique design philosophy in the CS:GO skin history.

Reasons for Popularity

The Rust Coat is popular for its contrasting antique design in a world of flashy, sleek, and modern skin designs. The rustic look and the covert rarity have also contributed to its popularity amongst the players.

Influential Events

None. The Huntsman Knife | Rust Coat wasn't introduced as part of any major event or operation.

Creation Story

The Rust Coat was developed to offer players a unique antique-style weapon skin in contrast to the modern and flashy skins prevalent in the game.

Symbolism and Design Elements

The rusted design of the skin symbolizes survival and longevity. The skin featuring a weather-beaten look embodies an unearthed relic of sorts, surely to be a conversation starter in any game.

Emotional Connection

Players who especially value aesthetic diversity and enjoy unconventional skins have a strong emotional connection with the Rust Coat.

Impact on Community

The introduction of Rust Coat inspired a wave of aged and antique weapon skins in the community, greatly influencing the skin-design direction in CS:GO.

Usage in Esports

While it's not a common sight in major tournaments, one can occasionally spot the distinctive Rust Coat in professional play.

Player Stories

The Rust Coat has garnered a reputation for being the 'lucky charm' among players who believe this worn-out knife brings them luck in critical game situations.