

Londres 2018





Sticker | gade (Gold) | London 2018

Sticker | gade (or) | Londres 2018

Ce sticker peut être appliqué à n'importe quelle arme que vous possédez. Grattez-le pour lui donner un air usé. Vous pouvez gratter le même sticker à plusieurs reprises, le rendant un peu plus usé à chaque fois, jusqu'à ce qu'il soit totalement décollé de l'arme.Ce sticker en or a été dédicacé par le joueur professionnel Nicklas Gade de l'équipe OpTic Gaming à Londres en 2018. 50 % des recettes provenant de la vente de ce sticker reviendront aux joueurs et aux organisations.
Sticker | gade (Gold) | London 2018

Évaluation de la communauté: 4.8★

1367 Votes

Évaluation de la communauté: 4.8★

1367 Votes
Ce sticker peut être appliqué à n'importe quelle arme que vous possédez. Grattez-le pour lui donner un air usé. Vous pouvez gratter le même sticker à plusieurs reprises, le rendant un peu plus usé à chaque fois, jusqu'à ce qu'il soit totalement décollé de l'arme.Ce sticker en or a été dédicacé par le joueur professionnel Nicklas Gade de l'équipe OpTic Gaming à Londres en 2018. 50 % des recettes provenant de la vente de ce sticker reviendront aux joueurs et aux organisations.

Offres actives



56 Vote(s)

Offres actives


Prix mis à jour

il y a 5 heures



3.5K Vote(s)

Offres actives


Prix mis à jour

il y a 23 jours



4.4K Vote(s)

Offres actives


Prix mis à jour

il y a 23 jours



Londres 2018





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Chance de tomber

Le Sticker | gade (or) | Londres 2018 se distingue comme l'un des 6 skins disponibles. Avec son statut de rareté Extraordinaire, obtenir le est un défi, car il ne présente qu'une chance de de tomber.

Évaluation communautaire

Sticker | gade (or) | Londres 2018 a attiré une attention significative avec plus de 1367 votes sur TRUSTPILOT.COM, atteignant une impressionnante note moyenne de 4.8.


The Sticker | gade (Gold) | London 2018 is a remarkable gold-colored player sticker, featuring an icon associated with the professional player gade. It belongs to the London 2018 Collection and was released during the London 2018 CS:GO Major Championship in September 2018.


This player sticker is classified as 'High Grade (Gold),' making it mildly rare with a modest drop chance. Its association with the player gade, as well as its eye-catching gold color, make it highly desirable among fans and collectors.


Released during the London 2018 CS:GO Major Championship, the Sticker | gade (Gold) immediately gained popularity among fans of the player and collectors alike, becoming a much sought-after item in the CS:GO market.


The sticker's popularity is largely derivative of the player it represents, gade, who is a notable figure in the CS:GO professional scene. It is frequently seen on weapons used by fans in competitive and casual matches.


This player sticker can be applied to any weapon skin in a player's inventory, making it a versatile item for personalizing in-game equipment.

Unique Features

The sticker features an attractive gold color scheme, alongside the unique signature of gade, which makes it a distinctive item in the CS:GO player sticker line-up.


The sticker was released in conjunction with the London 2018 CS:GO Major Championship, which saw top teams from around the world compete for prestige and a significant cash prize.


Fans usually apply this gold sticker to their weapons as a sign of admiration for the professional player gade and to express their support during matches.

Skin Designer

Designed by Valve.

Technical Features

The sticker can be scraped to look more worn out, which allows players to create a somewhat customized look on their weaponry. The gold color scheme adds a touch of elegance to any weapon it is applied to.

Reviews and Ratings

Community reviews praise the Sticker | gade (Gold) for its stunning design, high-quality art, and association with a well-respected CS:GO professional. It holds high ratings among users.

Historical Significance

As a part of the prestigious London 2018 CS:GO Major Championship collection, the sticker carries historical value within the CS:GO community.

Reasons for Popularity

The sticker's popularity arises from its association with the player gade and the admiration many fans have for his in-game skills and competitive personality.

Influential Events

The London 2018 Major Championship was the pivotal event influencing the popularity of this sticker, where gade and his team competed against the world's top teams. Details about the event can be found at London 2018.

Creation Story

The creation of this Sticker | gade (Gold) | London 2018 is deeply tied to the journey of the player it represents, designed to mark his participation and performance in the highly competitive London 2018 Major.

Symbolism and Design Elements

The gold color scheme of the sticker is symbolic of gade's achievements and high standing in the competitive CS:GO community.

Emotional Connection

Fans often feel a deeper connection with the game and the player upon applying this sticker to their weapons, creating a sense of identity and belonging within the broader CS:GO community.

Impact on Community

Through its popularity and widespread application, the Sticker | gade (Gold) has a distinct impact on the player community, making the in-game experience more personal and connected.

Usage in Esports

Esports players and fans alike are known to apply this sticker to their weapons during matches, both as a form of support for gade and also for ornamentation.

Player Stories

There are numerous player stories about unboxing this exciting item and using it to customize their weaponry. Its popularity adds to its status as a coveted item within CS:GO.