

Cracovie 2017


Qualité supérieure





Sticker | LEGIJA | Krakow 2017
Qualité supérieure

Sticker | LEGIJA | Cracovie 2017

Ce sticker peut être appliqué à n'importe quelle arme que vous possédez. Grattez-le pour lui donner un air usé. Vous pouvez gratter le même sticker à plusieurs reprises, le rendant un peu plus usé à chaque fois, jusqu'à ce qu'il soit totalement décollé de l'arme.Ce sticker a été dédicacé par le joueur professionnel Nikola Ninic de l'équipe BIG jouant à Cracovie 2017. 50 % des recettes provenant de la vente de ce sticker reviendront aux joueurs et aux organisations.
Sticker | LEGIJA | Krakow 2017

Évaluation de la communauté: 4.5★

105 Votes

Évaluation de la communauté: 4.5★

105 Votes
Ce sticker peut être appliqué à n'importe quelle arme que vous possédez. Grattez-le pour lui donner un air usé. Vous pouvez gratter le même sticker à plusieurs reprises, le rendant un peu plus usé à chaque fois, jusqu'à ce qu'il soit totalement décollé de l'arme.Ce sticker a été dédicacé par le joueur professionnel Nikola Ninic de l'équipe BIG jouant à Cracovie 2017. 50 % des recettes provenant de la vente de ce sticker reviendront aux joueurs et aux organisations.

Offres actives



439 Vote(s)

Offres actives


Prix mis à jour

il y a 7 heures



56 Vote(s)

Offres actives


Prix mis à jour

il y a 8 heures



1.5K Vote(s)

Offres actives


Prix mis à jour

il y a 24 minutes



32 Vote(s)

Offres actives


Prix mis à jour

il y a 7 heures



4.4K Vote(s)

Offres actives


Prix mis à jour

il y a 12 jours



15.7K Vote(s)

Offres actives


Prix mis à jour

il y a 12 jours



Cracovie 2017


Qualité supérieure





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Chance de tomber

Le Sticker | LEGIJA | Cracovie 2017 se distingue comme l'un des 6 skins disponibles. Avec son statut de rareté Qualité supérieure, obtenir le est un défi, car il ne présente qu'une chance de de tomber.

Évaluation communautaire

Sticker | LEGIJA | Cracovie 2017 a attiré une attention significative avec plus de 105 votes sur TRUSTPILOT.COM, atteignant une impressionnante note moyenne de 4.5.


The 'Sticker | LEGIJA | Krakow 2017' is a sticker designed for players to personalize their weapons in CS:GO. The sticker features the logo and signature of players LEGIJA and was released in 2017 as part of the Krakow 2017 collection. This sticker can be found here: Krakow 2017.


The sticker is graded as 'High Grade', making it moderately common. However, its association with LEGIJA, a well-recognized player in the CS:GO community, adds to its appeal among fans.


The 'Sticker | LEGIJA | Krakow 2017' was introduced in 2017 as part of the Krakow 2017 sticker collection, during the Krakow CS:GO Major Championship.


The 'Sticker | LEGIJA | Krakow 2017' is immensely popular among fans of LEGIJA and BIG clan, of which he was a part. It is often used by these fans to show their support during competitive matches.


This sticker can be applied to any gun in a player's inventory.

Unique Features

The unique feature of this sticker is the player's autograph and the BIG clan logo, both of which make it a valuable piece for fans.


The sticker was released as part of the Krakow 2017 Major Championship, where LEGIJA showed remarkable gameplay for team BIG.


The 'Sticker | LEGIJA | Krakow 2017' is one from a series of stickers released during the 2017 Krakow Major, each featuring the autograph of a different participating player.

Skin Designer

Designed by Valve Corporation.

Technical Features

The sticker can be applied directly to weapons to showcase the player's support for LEGIJA, and can also be scraped to change its appearance.

Reviews and Ratings

With its vibrant color scheme and the autograph of a respected player, the sticker has received positive reviews from the player community.

Historical Significance

The sticker commemorates the participation of LEGIJA and the BIG team in the Krakow 2017 Major Championship.

Reasons for Popularity

The popularity of the 'Sticker | LEGIJA | Krakow 2017' stems from its design and the reputation of the player it represents. Fans of LEGIJA and the BIG Team often apply this sticker to their equipment as a way to show their support.

Influential Events

The Krakow 2017 Major Championship significantly influenced the popularity of the sticker, being the tournament for which it was created.

Creation Story

The 'Sticker | LEGIJA | Krakow 2017' was created as a part of Valve's ongoing initiative to incorporate player's autographs and team insignia into the game, offering a way to support favorite teams and players.

Symbolism and Design Elements

The sticker symbolizes the player LEGIJA and his team BIG. The design itself is fairly straightforward, with the player's autograph and team insignia taking center stage.

Emotional Connection

Fans of LEGIJA have an emotional attachment to this sticker as it allows them to show their support and add a personal touch to their equipment.

Impact on Community

Many player-signature stickers like 'Sticker | LEGIJA | Krakow 2017' have been designed, encouraging players to show support for their favorite athletes in the Esport.

Usage in Esports

The sticker can often be seen in use during esports matches, particularly by fans of LEGIJA and BIG.

Player Stories

Many fans who attended the Krakow 2017 Major have fond memories of supporting BIG and LEGIJA, making this sticker a cherished component of the game.