

Boston 2018







Sticker | WorldEdit (Foil) | Boston 2018

Sticker | WorldEdit (premium) | Boston 2018

Ce sticker peut être appliqué à n'importe quelle arme que vous possédez. Grattez-le pour lui donner un air usé. Vous pouvez gratter le même sticker à plusieurs reprises, le rendant un peu plus usé à chaque fois, jusqu'à ce qu'il soit totalement décollé de l'arme.Ce sticker premium a été dédicacé par le joueur professionnel Georgy Yaskin de l'équipe Flipsid3 Tactics participant à Boston 2018. 50 % des recettes provenant de la vente de ce sticker reviendront aux joueurs et organisations impliqués.
Sticker | WorldEdit (Foil) | Boston 2018

Évaluation de la communauté: 4.6★

878 Votes

Évaluation de la communauté: 4.6★

878 Votes
Ce sticker peut être appliqué à n'importe quelle arme que vous possédez. Grattez-le pour lui donner un air usé. Vous pouvez gratter le même sticker à plusieurs reprises, le rendant un peu plus usé à chaque fois, jusqu'à ce qu'il soit totalement décollé de l'arme.Ce sticker premium a été dédicacé par le joueur professionnel Georgy Yaskin de l'équipe Flipsid3 Tactics participant à Boston 2018. 50 % des recettes provenant de la vente de ce sticker reviendront aux joueurs et organisations impliqués.

Offres actives



56 Vote(s)

Offres actives


Prix mis à jour

il y a 5 heures



3.5K Vote(s)

Offres actives


Prix mis à jour

il y a 23 jours



29.1K Vote(s)

Offres actives


Prix mis à jour

il y a 10 heures



1.8K Vote(s)

Offres actives


Prix mis à jour

il y a 23 jours



Boston 2018







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Chance de tomber

Le Sticker | WorldEdit (premium) | Boston 2018 se distingue comme l'un des 6 skins disponibles. Avec son statut de rareté Remarquable, obtenir le est un défi, car il ne présente qu'une chance de de tomber.

Évaluation communautaire

Sticker | WorldEdit (premium) | Boston 2018 a attiré une attention significative avec plus de 878 votes sur TRUSTPILOT.COM, atteignant une impressionnante note moyenne de 4.6.


The Sticker | WorldEdit (Foil) | Boston 2018 is a shining immersion of one of the popular professional players 'WorldEdit'. Named after Andrey 'WorldEdit' Yatsenko, this foil sticker is a part of the Boston 2018 Collection and was released in January 2018.


This sticker has a high rarity owing to its foil classification. This, paired with the connection to a popular professional player, makes it quite coveted in the CS:GO community.


The sticker was introduced as a part of the Boston 2018 collection, coinciding with the Boston 2018 Sticker Capsule release. It quickly made its mark in the community due to the player's popularity.


Being a sticker representing a popular player, the Sticker | WorldEdit (Foil) | Boston 2018 is quite popular among fans and followers of 'WorldEdit'. It is often seen in professional gameplays and streams.


This sticker can be applied to any firearm or weapon available in CS:GO.

Unique Features

The unique feature of this sticker is its striking foil effect and the vibrant representation of WorldEdit's logo.


The Sticker | WorldEdit (Foil) | Boston 2018 was introduced during the Boston 2018 tournament.


The name 'WorldEdit' comes from the player Andrey Yatsenko, who is known for his exceptional skills and gameplay.

Skin Designer

The sticker's design is credited to Valve.

Technical Features

The sticker has a great shiny foil effect, making it stand out on any weapon skin.

Reviews and Ratings

Fans of 'WorldEdit' and sticker collectors alike love this item due to its vibrant design and the connection to the professional player.

Historical Significance

This sticker signifies the player's participation in the Boston 2018 tournament which adds historical value.

Reasons for Popularity

The Sticker | WorldEdit (Foil) gained its popularity due to the fan base of the represented player and the rarity and shine of the foil sticker.

Influential Events

The Boston 2018 tournament had a significant impact on the sticker's popularity.

Creation Story

This sticker was designed to represent the player in the Boston 2018 tournament, showcasing the character and playstyle of 'WorldEdit'.

Symbolism and Design Elements

The sticker design is based on 'WorldEdit's in-game icon, symbolizing the player's unique style and approach to the game.

Emotional Connection

Many fans of 'WorldEdit' form an emotional connection to this sticker as it serves as a way to support and represent their favorite player.

Impact on Community

The Sticker | WorldEdit (Foil) played a role in encouraging more player-based designs in the game.

Usage in Esports

The sticker is often seen in major esports tournaments, being worn by both fans of 'WorldEdit' and the player himself.

Player Stories

Stories of players showing their support and admiration for 'WorldEdit' by using this sticker on their weapons are common within the community.