Sticker | XANTARES (Gold) | Boston 2018

Sticker | XANTARES (or) | Boston 2018

Ce sticker peut être appliqué à n'importe quelle arme que vous possédez. Grattez-le pour lui donner un air usé. Vous pouvez gratter le même sticker à plusieurs reprises, le rendant un peu plus usé à chaque fois, jusqu'à ce qu'il soit totalement décollé de l'arme.Ce sticker en or a été dédicacé par le joueur professionnel Can Dortkardes de l'équipe Space Soldiers participant à Boston 2018. 50 % des recettes provenant de la vente de ce sticker reviendront aux joueurs et organisations impliqués.
Sticker | XANTARES (Gold) | Boston 2018

Évaluation de la communauté: 4.6★

4527 Votes

Évaluation de la communauté: 4.6★

4527 Votes
Ce sticker peut être appliqué à n'importe quelle arme que vous possédez. Grattez-le pour lui donner un air usé. Vous pouvez gratter le même sticker à plusieurs reprises, le rendant un peu plus usé à chaque fois, jusqu'à ce qu'il soit totalement décollé de l'arme.Ce sticker en or a été dédicacé par le joueur professionnel Can Dortkardes de l'équipe Space Soldiers participant à Boston 2018. 50 % des recettes provenant de la vente de ce sticker reviendront aux joueurs et organisations impliqués.

Offres actives



3.5K Vote(s)

Offres actives


Prix mis à jour

il y a 23 jours



56 Vote(s)

Offres actives


Prix mis à jour

il y a 5 heures



1.5K Vote(s)

Offres actives


Prix mis à jour

il y a 23 jours

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Chance de tomber

Le Sticker | XANTARES (or) | Boston 2018 se distingue comme l'un des 6 skins disponibles. Avec son statut de rareté Extraordinaire, obtenir le est un défi, car il ne présente qu'une chance de de tomber.

Évaluation communautaire

Sticker | XANTARES (or) | Boston 2018 a attiré une attention significative avec plus de 4527 votes sur TRUSTPILOT.COM, atteignant une impressionnante note moyenne de 4.6.


The Sticker | XANTARES (Gold) | Boston 2018 features a golden design with a bold representation of the professional player XANTARES. Part of the Boston 2018 Collection, this sticker was released in January 2018, commemorating the ELEAGUE Boston Major.


This sticker is classified as 'Extraordinary', indicating it is part of the gold sticker series which are highly coveted due to their rarity and association with major esports events.


Released specifically for the ELEAGUE Major: Boston 2018, this sticker commemorates the player XANTARES and his participation in the event. More details can be found at Boston 2018.


Due to its association with XANTARES, a well-known player in the Counter-Strike community, and its rarity as a gold sticker from a major event, it remains a popular choice among collectors and fans.


This sticker can be applied to any weapon in the CS:GO arsenal, providing customization while showcasing player support.

Unique Features

Features an exclusive gold foil design that highlights XANTARES's signature and player icon, distinct from typical stickers in the game.


The sticker was created for the ELEAGUE Major: Boston 2018, a significant event in the CS:GO esports calendar. Event details are available at Boston 2018.


XANTARES is known for his aggressive play style and sharp aiming skills, which are symbolized by the bold and striking design of the gold sticker.

Technical Features

The sticker employs a special printing process to achieve its gold metallic sheen, making it stand out both in inventory and on weaponry.

Reviews and Ratings

The Sticker | XANTARES (Gold) | Boston 2018 has received positive reviews for its aesthetic appeal and its commemorative value, particularly among fans of XANTARES.

Historical Significance

This sticker marks XANTARES's impact in the competitive CS:GO scene during the Boston 2018 Major, reflecting a piece of esports history.

Reasons for Popularity

It's popularity stems from its rarity, collectability and the fame of XANTARES in the esports scene.

Influential Events

Majorly influenced by the ELEAGUE Major: Boston 2018, this event played a significant role in defining the esports landscape that year. Further event insights can be found at Boston 2018.

Emotional Connection

Fans and avid followers of XANTARES feel a deep emotional connection to this sticker, as it represents support and admiration towards their favorite player.

Impact on Community

The release of player-specific stickers like this one enhances community engagement, allowing fans to show support and connect with major esports events.