Dual Berettas | Briar (Factory New)
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Consumer Grade

Dual Berettas | Briar (Factory New)

Firing two large-mag Berettas at once will lower accuracy and increase load times. On the bright side, you'll get to fire two large-mag Berettas at once. It has been painted with a hydrographic of curling vines and flowers. True Love's Kiss can't save you from its barbs
Dual Berettas | Briar (Factory New)

Community-betyg: 4.2★

144 Röster

Från förra veckan

- 0.27

Från förra månaden

+ 2.47

Community-betyg: 4.2★

144 Röster
Firing two large-mag Berettas at once will lower accuracy and increase load times. On the bright side, you'll get to fire two large-mag Berettas at once. It has been painted with a hydrographic of curling vines and flowers. True Love's Kiss can't save you from its barbs

Från förra veckan

- 0.27

Från förra månaden

+ 2.47

Fabriksny SV


Minimalt slitage SV


Fälttestad SV




Minimalt slitage




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28.3K Röst(er)

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Pris uppdaterad

för 13 timmar sedan



646 Röst(er)

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2.8K Röst(er)

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Pris uppdaterad

för 3 minuter sedan



441 Röst(er)

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Pris uppdaterad

för 1 minut sedan



4.3K Röst(er)

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Pris uppdaterad

för 18 minuter sedan



55 Röst(er)

Aktiva erbjudanden


Pris uppdaterad

för 4 timmar sedan

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Chans att släppa

Dual Berettas | Briar (Factory New) sticker ut som en av 6 skins som finns tillgängliga. Med sin sällsynthetsstatus Consumer Grade är det en utmaning att få Briar, eftersom det bara har en 79.92% chans att falla.


Prissatt mellan 5.38 och 5.38 , erbjuder Dual Berettas | Briar (Factory New) ett tillgängligt alternativ för entusiaster. Dual Berettas | Briar (Factory New) finns tillgänglig på 6 marknader.


Dual Berettas | Briar (Factory New) har fått betydande uppmärksamhet med över 144 röster på TRUSTPILOT.COM, och uppnår ett imponerande genomsnittligt betyg på 4.2.

Var kan man köpa Dual Berettas | Briar (Factory New)?

Dual Berettas | Briar (Factory New) finns tillgänglig för köp från 6 olika marknader, vilket säkerställer ett brett urval för köpare. Nyckelleverantörer inkluderar CSGOEMPIRE, CSGOTM, DMARKET, SHADOWPAY, SKINPORT, LOOTFARM. Denna mångfald erbjuder flexibilitet och valmöjligheter, för att möta olika preferenser och behov.

Vad är prisutvecklingen för Dual Berettas | Briar (Factory New)?

Priset på Dual Berettas | Briar (Factory New) har minskat med -5.52% under de senaste 7 dagarna, vilket speglar förändringar i marknadsefterfrågan.

Vad är det genomsnittliga priset för Dual Berettas | Briar (Factory New)?

Det genomsnittliga priset för Dual Berettas | Briar (Factory New) är 5.38 över 6 marknader


The Dual Berettas | Briar is a skin showcased in a polished silver and detailed engraving, giving a classy and elegant look. It belongs to the Inferno Collection, released in May 2017.


The Dual Berettas | Briar is classified as 'Mil-Spec Grade,' hence it has a higher drop chance. Its appeal lies in its eye-catching aesthetic and affordability.


The Dual Berettas | Briar was introduced with the Inferno Case during the launch of the Hydra update.


The Briar skin has become a favorite among players who value elegance and sophistication. It is especially popular among Dual Berettas users.


This skin is available exclusively for the Dual Berettas pistols.

Unique Features

The Dual Berettas | Briar is characterized by its sleek silver finish adorned with intricate floral engraving, creating an antique and royal look.


This skin was released as part of the Operation Hydra, which introduced new game modes and skins.


The Briar design draws inspiration from traditional decorative gunsmithing, giving it an old-world charm in the modern universe of CS:GO.

Skin Designer

Designed by .

Technical Features

The Dual Berettas | Briar utilizes high-quality texturing and shading to create its polished and engraved appearance.

Reviews and Ratings

The Dual Berettas | Briar is generally lauded for its sophisticated aesthetics, and favorable for its affordable pricing.

Historical Significance

As part of the Inferno Collection, the Dual Berettas | Briar represents a trend towards more understated, elegant designs in CS:GO skins.

Reasons for Popularity

It's popularity can be attributed to its unique aesthetic, making it stand out amongst the generally sporty or military-themed Dual Berettas skins. Additionally, its affordability is a huge plus point.

Influential Events

The release of the Operation Hydra contributed to the popularity of this skin. This operation introduced new skins and weapons, creating renewed interest in weapon customization.

Creation Story

The creation of the Dual Berettas|Briar stemmed from a desire to incorporate a sense of antiquity and refinement into modern warfare aesthetics.

Symbolism and Design Elements

The elegant floral engravings of the Dual Berettas|Briar suggest a symbol of nobility and refinement, providing a rich contrast to the fast-paced, brutal environment of CS:GO.

Emotional Connection

Many players feel connected to the Dual Berettas | Briar for its distinctive sense of elegance and their satisfying dual-wielding shooting experience.

Impact on Community

Its unique aesthetic has inspired a trend towards more refined and classic skin designs within the CS:GO community.

Usage in Esports

The Dual Berettas | Briar, while not as commonly seen in international tournaments due to the lesser usage of Dual Berettas, still makes appearances in the hands of professional players who prefer these pistols.

Player Stories

Numerous players find delight in brandishing Dual Berettas | Briar, not just for its visual appeal, but also for the memorable exchanges it adds to their gaming experiences.