MAG-7 | Metallic DDPAT (Factory New)
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Industrial Grade

MAG-7 | Metallic DDPAT (Factory New)

The CT-exclusive Mag-7 delivers a devastating amount of damage at close range. Its rapid magazine-style reloads make it a great tactical choice. It has been painted using an urban Digital Disruptive Pattern (DDPAT) hydrographic over a metallic base coat.
MAG-7 | Metallic DDPAT (Factory New)

Community-betyg: 4.5★

109 Röster

Från förra veckan

+ 0.01

Från förra månaden

- 0.04

Community-betyg: 4.5★

109 Röster
The CT-exclusive Mag-7 delivers a devastating amount of damage at close range. Its rapid magazine-style reloads make it a great tactical choice. It has been painted using an urban Digital Disruptive Pattern (DDPAT) hydrographic over a metallic base coat.

Från förra veckan

+ 0.01

Från förra månaden

- 0.04

Fabriksny SV


Minimalt slitage SV




Minimalt slitage


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644 Röst(er)

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441 Röst(er)

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55 Röst(er)

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4.3K Röst(er)

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27.8K Röst(er)

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för 32 minuter sedan


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P250 | Metallic DDPAT (Factory New)
Börjar på0.10

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Chans att släppa

MAG-7 | Metallic DDPAT (Factory New) sticker ut som en av 6 skins som finns tillgängliga. Med sin sällsynthetsstatus Industrial Grade är det en utmaning att få Metallic DDPAT, eftersom det bara har en 15.98% chans att falla.


Prissatt mellan 0.09 och 0.14 , erbjuder MAG-7 | Metallic DDPAT (Factory New) ett tillgängligt alternativ för entusiaster. MAG-7 | Metallic DDPAT (Factory New) finns tillgänglig på 5 marknader.


MAG-7 | Metallic DDPAT (Factory New) har fått betydande uppmärksamhet med över 109 röster på TRUSTPILOT.COM, och uppnår ett imponerande genomsnittligt betyg på 4.5.

Var kan man köpa MAG-7 | Metallic DDPAT (Factory New)?

MAG-7 | Metallic DDPAT (Factory New) finns tillgänglig för köp från 5 olika marknader, vilket säkerställer ett brett urval för köpare. Nyckelleverantörer inkluderar CSGOTM, SHADOWPAY, SKINPORT, DMARKET, LOOTFARM. Denna mångfald erbjuder flexibilitet och valmöjligheter, för att möta olika preferenser och behov.

Vad är prisutvecklingen för MAG-7 | Metallic DDPAT (Factory New)?

Priset på MAG-7 | Metallic DDPAT (Factory New) har ökat med 8.19% under de senaste 7 dagarna, vilket speglar förändringar i marknadsefterfrågan.

Vad är det genomsnittliga priset för MAG-7 | Metallic DDPAT (Factory New)?

Det genomsnittliga priset för MAG-7 | Metallic DDPAT (Factory New) är 0.11 över 5 marknader


The MAG-7 | Metallic DDPAT is a high-tech skin with a metallic design. It belongs to the Official CS:GO Collections and was released in August 2013.


Classified as 'Mil-Spec Grade', the Metallic DDPAT skin is fairly common amongst loot drops, but its sleek design and eye-catching finish make it appealing to many players.


The skin was introduced to the CS:GO community in the Arms Deal update in 2013. The skin has remained popular within the collection as it was one of the original designs released.


This skin has been a consistent favourite among players who prefer a more understated yet striking design for their weaponry. Its design matches many player models, enhancing visibility during gameplay.


MAG-7 | Metallic DDPAT can be equipped on the MAG-7, a powerful close-quarter shotgun.

Unique Features

The Metallic DDPAT skin features a polished metallic surface with a faint digital camouflage pattern, creating a seamless fusion of modern and digital styles.


The skin made its debut in the pivotal Arms Deal Update, which brought weapon skins into CS:GO for the very first time.


DDPAT stands for Digital Disruptive Pattern, a type of camouflage used in the military. It's unusual to see this pattern on a metallic surface, making this skin unique.

Skin Designer

Designed by Valve.

Technical Features

The skin's design relies on advanced rendering techniques to achieve its metallic finish and reflections, demonstrating what was possible for skin designs in the game's early days.

Reviews and Ratings

Due to its balance between elegant design and common drop rate, the skin has consistently received positive feedback from the player base, and is often recommended for shotgun users.

Historical Significance

The MAG-7 | Metallic DDPAT is historically significant as one of the inaugural set of skins that arrived with the Arms Deal update, marking the beginning of skin culture in CS:GO.

Reasons for Popularity

It's popular among players who prefer common rarity skins for gameplay while not compromising on visual appeal. The its unique metallic camouflage design captivates many players.

Influential Events

The Arms Deal update would be the key event that brought this skin to players. You can read about this event at Arms Deal Update.

Creation Story

The creation process must have involved a lot of tweaking to achieve the realistic metallic details and how the DDPAT camo appears over the metallic surface.

Symbolism and Design Elements

The metallic DDPAT design blends military-style camouflage with a sleek metal finish, suggesting a symbol of power and resilience.

Emotional Connection

Many players have grown fond of this skin for being one of the first skins ever introduced in CS:GO, giving them a sense of nostalgia and connection.

Impact on Community

This skin paved the way for other common skins to be just as attractive as the higher rarity tiers, highlighting that design matters just as much as rarity.

Usage in Esports

The MAG-7 | Metallic DDPAT sees regular usage in professional play due to the ship strong performance of the MAG-7 shotgun in certain situations.

Player Stories

Several stories circulate of a player clutching victory from the jaws of defeat with their faithful MAG-7 | Metallic DDPAT, making it a memorable skin for many in the CS:GO community.