MAG-7 | Silver (Factory New)
side image
Industrial Grade

MAG-7 | Silver (Factory New)

The CT-exclusive Mag-7 delivers a devastating amount of damage at close range. Its rapid magazine-style reloads make it a great tactical choice. It has been painted with a chrome base coat and candied in transparent silver anodized effect paint. There is beauty in simplicity - Franz Kriegeld, Phoenix Tactician
MAG-7 | Silver (Factory New)

Avaliação da comunidade: 4.9★

935 Votos

Da semana passada

- 4.42

Do mês passado

+ 7.81

Avaliação da comunidade: 4.9★

935 Votos
The CT-exclusive Mag-7 delivers a devastating amount of damage at close range. Its rapid magazine-style reloads make it a great tactical choice. It has been painted with a chrome base coat and candied in transparent silver anodized effect paint. There is beauty in simplicity - Franz Kriegeld, Phoenix Tactician

Da semana passada

- 4.42

Do mês passado

+ 7.81

De Fábrica SV


Pouco Desgastada SV


De Fábrica


Pouco Desgastada


Ofertas ativas



1.2K Voto(s)

Ofertas ativas


Preço atualizado

há 52 segundos



55 Voto(s)

Ofertas ativas


Preço atualizado

há 8 horas



4.3K Voto(s)

Ofertas ativas


Preço atualizado

há 1 dia



1.6K Voto(s)

Ofertas ativas


Preço atualizado

há 10 segundos



15.2K Voto(s)

Ofertas ativas


Preço atualizado

há 6 minutos



27.8K Voto(s)

Ofertas ativas


Preço atualizado

há 6 horas

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Mostrar tudo


Chance de queda

O MAG-7 | Silver (Factory New) destaca-se como uma das 6 peles disponíveis. Com seu status de raridade Industrial Grade, obter o Silver é um desafio, pois possui apenas uma 15.98% chance de cair.


Com preço entre 22.40 e 22.40 , MAG-7 | Silver (Factory New) oferece uma opção acessível para entusiastas. MAG-7 | Silver (Factory New) está disponível em 5 mercados.

Avaliação da Comunidade

MAG-7 | Silver (Factory New) atraiu atenção significativa com mais de 935 votos em TRUSTPILOT.COM, alcançando uma impressionante média de avaliações de 4.9.

Onde comprar MAG-7 | Silver (Factory New)?

MAG-7 | Silver (Factory New) está disponível para compra em 5 mercados diferentes, garantindo uma ampla seleção para compradores. Os principais fornecedores incluem CSGOEMPIRE, SKINPORT, CSGOTM, DMARKET, SHADOWPAY. Esta variedade oferece flexibilidade e escolha, atendendo a preferências e necessidades diversas.

Qual é a tendência de preço de MAG-7 | Silver (Factory New)?

O preço do MAG-7 | Silver (Factory New) diminuiu -21.42% nos últimos 7 dias, refletindo alterações na demanda do mercado.

Qual é o preço médio de MAG-7 | Silver (Factory New)?

O preço médio de MAG-7 | Silver (Factory New) é de 22.40 em 5 mercados


The MAG-7 | Silver is a stylish, understated skin featuring a clean and seamless silver design which reflects a metallic elegance. It is part of the Safehouse Collection and was introduced to the CS: GO roster around August 2013.


This skin falls under the 'Industrial Grade' category and has a fairly high drop rate. Although it is commonly available, its neat and sophisticated design makes it a coveted choice for many players.


Introduced to the world of CS:GO in 2013, the MAG-7 | Silver has steadily remained a timeless choice for many due to its sleek aesthetics. It comes from the Safehouse Collection.


Even with its Industrial Grade rarity and high drop rate, the MAG-7 | Silver has retained its appeal amongst a vast range of players. Its simple yet refined design gives it a certain level of universal charm.


This skin can only be applied to the MAG-7 weapon.

Unique Features

The main attraction of this skin is its unpretentious silver design making it an elegant pick for players who prefer a minimalist touch in their weapon display.


There haven't been any specific events or operations linked to this MAG-7 skin.


This is one of the few skins that fully covers the weapon it's applied to, leaving no default textures visible.

Skin Designer

This skin does not have a known designer.

Technical Features

The skin showcases a polished silver texture that covers the entire weapon, offering a sophisticated metallic look.

Reviews and Ratings

Its simplicity and elegance have earned the MAG-7 | Silver positive reviews from the community, highlighting its timeless appeal.

Historical Significance

The skin's inclusion as part of the early collections in CS:GO gives it some historical significance, as it represents a simpler era of skins in the game environment.

Reasons for Popularity

Its popularity can be accredited predominantly to its simple, clean design, and its appeal to minimalism lovers within the community.

Influential Events

There are no influential events tied specifically to this particular skin.

Creation Story

The simpleness of the design articulates the intention of creating a classy and elegant skin that would be universally appealing.

Symbolism and Design Elements

The silver finish of the MAG-7 | Silver is a symbol of sophistication and cleanliness. This contrasts with the violent nature of the game, giving an appealing contrast.

Emotional Connection

Players often associate the MAG-7 | Silver with a sense of nostalgia, as it harks back to the earlier days of CS:GO skin designs.

Impact on Community

This simple and elegant skin has set an example for many Industrial Grade skins in CS: GO, thus impacting the design ideology of the skin creator community.

Usage in Esports

Despite being an Industrial Grade skin, it has been used occasionally in esports, mainly by players who favor a minimalist weaponry.

Player Stories

Many players remember the MAG-7 | Silver as one of the first skins they owned, making it a sentimental favorite in the CS:GO community.