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Sticker | shox | Cologne 2015

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The Sticker | shox | Cologne 2015 is a high-grade sticker, which features the autograph of professional esports player Shox. The main colors of the sticker are orange and white, with a hint of blue. The sticker belongs to the ESL One Cologne 2015 collection and was released in August 2015.
The Sticker | shox | Cologne 2015 is classified as 'High Grade'. Because they are less expensive compared to their rare counterparts, high grade stickers are relatively easy to obtain, making them quite popular among players and collectors.
The sticker was released for the ESL One Cologne 2015 tournament, held in August 2015.
This sticker is particularly popular among fans of Richard “shox” Papillon, a professional French CS:GO player who was often seen dominating the servers during his prime. Some fans prefer to place this sticker on their weapon skins to show support for shox.
The Sticker | shox | Cologne 2015 can be applied to any weapon in the game.
Unique Features
The sticker features the autograph of shox, who is a widely recognized face in the eSports community. His autograph being a part of this sticker is a unique feature that separates it from generic ones in the game.
The sticker was released in conjunction with the ESL One Cologne 2015 tournament, a major eSports event.
shox is considered one of the best pistol players in CS:GO history. Being able to carry his autograph into battle could be seen as a token of good luck by his fans.
Skin Designer
Designed by Valve.
Technical Features
The sticker uses a basic design with the focus being on the autograph. The vivid color scheme is compatible with most weapon skins in the game.
Reviews and Ratings
The sticker has received positive reviews from the community mainly due to its association with shox and its simple yet appealing design style.
Historical Significance
Collectors and long-time fans of the game value it as it represents a significant time in the history of CS:GO and its competitive scene.
Reasons for Popularity
Besides the fact that shox is a well-known professional player, the simplicity of the design and the vibrant color scheme add to its popularity among the player base.
Influential Events
The release of the autographed stickers began a new trend among fans and players alike of collecting and showcasing their favorite players on their weapons.
Creation Story
The creation of the autographed stickers was a new and innovative idea at the time intended to let fans and players support their favorite eSports personalities in a fun and unique way.
Symbolism and Design Elements
Featuring shox’s autograph, this sticker symbolizes support for him and the competitive scene. The vibrant color scheme ensures that the sticker stands out on any weapon skin.
Emotional Connection
Fans of shox can often feel a connection to this sticker because it serves as their way to support him directly.
Impact on Community
This sticker has influenced fans to support and recognize the eSports personalities they look up to.
Usage in Esports
Though stickers do not have an effect in gameplay, they are often seen in eSports tournaments due to players customizing their weapons with them.
Player Stories
There are countless stories of fans applying this sticker to their favorite guns and getting their 'shox' moment in-game, which they cherish.