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Sticker | smooya | London 2018

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Sticker | smooya | London 2018 is a special sticker dedicated to the professional CS:GO player Owen 'smooya' Butterfield. The sticker showcases smooya’s initials (SB) in a distinctive white font against a black background. This sticker is part of the London 2018 Collection, released in September 2018.
While not classified through the usual rarity system, the Sticker | smooya | London 2018 holds significant value due to its association with a well-known eSports figure, subject to variability based on player preference.
Released as part of the FACEIT 2018 Major Championship in London event, the sticker signifies the participation of smooya in the tournament. Many fans use these stickers as a way to show support for their favorite players.
The Sticker | smooya | London 2018 holds a special appeal for supporters of smooya, UK CS:GO scene supporters and eSports enthusiasts. These stickers are often seen applied to a variety of guns, displayed proudly in the eSports community.
This sticker can be applied to any weapon skin in the player's inventory.
Unique Features
The Sticker | smooya | London 2018 has been designed with smooya's initials in a distinct white font against a contrasting black background, making it instantly recognizable.
This sticker was released as part of the FACEIT 2018 Major Championship in London event, known for its exciting matches and cultural significance within the eSports community.
Owen 'smooya' Butterfield is a professional CS:GO player from the United Kingdom, known for his impressive skills and captivating gameplay.
Skin Designer
The designer of this sticker is not explicitly credited but is likely created by the internal artists at Valve.
Reviews and Ratings
The smooya sticker has generally positive reviews, particularly among fans of smooya himself and the British CS:GO scene.
Historical Significance
This sticker is part of a history of stickers for each Major tournament, commemorating the players who participate.
Reasons for Popularity
The popularity of this sticker can be attributed to smooya's fan base, the collectibility of player stickers, and the significance of the London 2018 Major tournament.
Influential Events
The FACEIT 2018 Major Championship in London had a major influence on the popularity of the Sticker | smooya | London 2018, introducing it during a significant event.
Emotional Connection
Fans of smooya and the UK CS:GO scene might feel a strong emotional attachment to this sticker, due to its representation of a prominent player from their community.
Impact on Community
Stickers like this one provide a great way for fans to support their favorite players and become an important part of the CS:GO merchandise.
Usage in Esports
Player stickers like the Sticker | smooya | London 2018 are frequently seen in use in the esports scene, as they give fans a chance to show support for their favorite players.
Player Stories
Many players share stories of the excitement of representing their favorite players while in-game using such stickers, contributing to its popularity.