Mythic is a North American CS2 team that primarily competes in regional North American events. Known for its mix of expe...Mythic is a North American CS2 team that primarily competes in regional North American events. Known for its mix of experienced players and streamers, the team is recognized more for its community presence than major tournament victories.
CS2 Players
Hardware used by Mythic
Artisan Ninja FX Zero SoftKeyboard
Wooting 80HE BlackHeadset
SteelSeries Arctis Nova ProGraphics Card
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 TiMonitor
ZOWIE XL2546Earphones
KZ ZS10 ProMicrophone
HyperX QuadCastKeyboard
SteelSeries Apex Pro TKL (2023)Mousepad
SteelSeries QcK HeavyMicrophone
Shure SM7BHeadset
HyperX Cloud II